Archive for the ‘New Features’ Category

New Version 1.2.140

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

List of new features in 1.2.140

Close Communication and Mail Sorting

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Your Inbox is not a storage facility - it should contain only newly arrived items. When thinking about an Inbox Tray that holds papers it is obvious that you will not keep all the completed papers in that Inbox as they very quickly will become a mountain of unmanageable particles and the same applies to electronic communications in your Inbox they need to be systematically filed once handled.

Thus, upon receipt, an item should be read and either:
1. Immediately replied AND filed or
2. Properly scheduled for future handling (using the TM Tasks) so the item does not remain in your Inbox.

As soon as you are done with an email the communication must be filed properly, allowing for easy future access when needed.


Updated two smileys icons

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Veronika, our pamper designer, created two new smileys icons: Sun and Music . You can send them over the e-mail or TimeMaker chat.

They are available from version 1.0.572.

Junk E-mail

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Tools > General Settings > User Config > TimeMaker Mail > Junk E-mail

The TM Junk E-mail feature is intended to catch the most obvious junk e-mail messages. The Junk E-mail feature is turned on by default, and while it has a high protection level, the feature’s White List Filter allows you to minimize the number of situations where legitimate e-mail messages are identified as junk.

Any e-mail message identified as junk by the Junk E-mail feature is diverted to a system folder that has been automatically created and selected named Junk.

Junk mail can be delivered to one of the following folders:

a. Junk

b. Inbox

c. Trash

d. Deleted


Version 1.0.538

Monday, March 31st, 2008

List of new features in 1.0.538

Version 1.0.525

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

List of new features in 1.0.525

Version 1.0.490

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

List of new features in 1.0.490


Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

TimeMakerTM - Leadership SoftwareTM


When an owner assigns a production item to a performer with a target date in the future (let’s say in 3 months from today), the performer may become aware of the task only on or close to the target date and thus may not have enough time to meet the deadline.


Another situation may arise when a task that was not completed will appear in the Owner’s Inbox folder and the owner may want to just move the item out of his Overall Inbox folder for a specific period of time or will want to have the Performer handle the task.

To avoid such a situation, TimeMaker has introduced the Tag concept. (more…)


Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

If you are an executive you need the following - it will save you, truly, from the constant stream of emails and free your time for revenue generating activities… You will see in a moment you NEED and WANT this unique feature from TimeMaker.Let’s see… You remember the days before emails and electronic communication…?

How the system worked?

All mail would arrive to the executive’s secretary who would open the mail. The secretary would handle the mail in one of the following ways:
1. Discard the mail.
2. Route the mail to the executive as personal mail.
3. Route the mail as business related mail for the executive handling.
4. Route the mail to the executive with a suggested reply.
5. Handle the mail and may or may not inform the executive as to the handling.

Back then, the executive did not get junk mail and could train his secretary to assist him with an increasing number of issues.

With the introduction of email the executive became the one who often has to handle all the communication as it arrives directly to his PC. Even elaborate systems involving special email addresses between executives and their assistants usually cannot give the assistant the degree of control necessary to completely manage the executive’s email.


Version 1.0.478

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

List of new features in 1.0.478